Keep Growing Detroit
Keep Growing Detroit was founded in 2013 to serve gardeners and farmers in the cities of Detroit, Hamtramck, and Highland Park. Although we are a relatively new organization, our staff has been responsible for the design and implementation of our core programs, including the Garden Resource Program and Grown in Detroit since 2003 and 2006 respectively.
To remain accountable to the community we serve Keep Growing Detroit practices open book management. That means our entire staff and board are involved in all aspects of day-to-day operations and management, including budgeting and reviewing financial statements on a monthly basis.
Grown in Detroit fruit, vegetables, flowers, and herbs are grown in urban gardens and farms throughout Detroit, Hamtramck, and Highland Park. Growers produce food in healthy soil without harmful chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers or genetically modified products. All Garden Resource Program members are welcome to participate. Growers receive 100% of the profits from produce sold.
Saturdays at Eastern Market from mid-April thru early December at the center of Shed 2, located on Russell between Winder and Adelaide.
Tuesdays at Eastern Market, from June thru September at the center of Shed 2, located on Russell between Winder and Adelaide.
Detroit, MI 48207